Thursday, August 31, 2006
31st August 2006 11:59 PM

And everything changes. For better or worse?

Saturday, August 26, 2006
27th August 2006 7:20 PM

This dedicated to Andrew.

It seems like we've known each other forever.
I can't imagine life without you.
You've always been there to support me
Whether I needed you to cheer me on
or hold me up.

We've spent endless hours engaged in
conversation about nothing and everything.
I wouldn't give those times up for anything in
the world.

Together we've hurt, we've smiled, we've laughed,
We've figured out the secrets to life, or tried to, at

Your friendship means so much to me.

And I hope I can always be there for you,
the way you've always been for me.
-By Tracy Donovan

Andrew, whatever your decision may be, I'll always
be there for you.

Monday, August 21, 2006
21st August 2006 10:06 PM

Maybe it's time to forget her and move on. But it's
hard and I know I'll be there will always something
out there to remind me. Part of me wants to move
on, part of me wants to wait. Will I really wait, or
has my heart forgotten who she is?

Monday, August 14, 2006
14th August 2006 Revisited 11:19 PM

Hello. I come in peace. Don't hurt me okay? I'm sorry about
what i said in the previous post, okay? It was just a misunderstanding.
I'll miss you and yes ms. Andrew I'm talking to you. XD I know
you read my blog, through MAGIC! MWAHAHAHAHA! I'm
insane. Well since I can't seem to find the guts to talk to you
in person, I'm gonna say this. I'll miss you, but what you want
to do with your life, is your choice, don't miss out on a great
opportunity, I'm sure you'll do great. Just stay the same Andrew
I know and I'll love you FOREVER! (nah, i don't love you that way)
But yeah, well all I can say is I'll miss you! Kiaaa! That's like the
only thing I can seem to say right now. I know you got into NUS,
but until I hear it from you yourself, I'm not gonna believe anything.
I'll miss you. I'll wait. And yes, I am being serious. You must be
open minded, both in mind and heart, so yeah, since I can't talk
to you, I hope you'll read this and know that I'll respect whatever
decision [or explanation ;)] you have for me. Just remember this,
I'll always be there for you, through and through. By the way Cathlin,
Jake Gyllenhaal is HOT!! XD That's supposed to be a joke for you
Cat! xD


14th August 2006 5:57 PM

You aren't worth my time.
How can you call yourselves my friends?
How could you do this to me?
I told you everything, you knew everything.
I know that it was supposed to be a secret
between all of you but did you know it's more
painful finding out this way? I really regret this.
I thought I knew you, I thought you would
understand, but you don't seem to understand
anything at all. So why? Why hurt me this way?
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you
-Listening to Teardrops by Massive Attack

Saturday, August 12, 2006
12th August 2006 11:41 PM

Ikea was fun today and I seemingly bought nonsensical stuff but
actually, all those nonsensical stuff are for the IP people who are
leaving. I don't want you guys to leave. I've got a bone to pick with
Lisa for telling me the wrong info on her.

I'm wasting tears on her. It hurts real bad and even if we aren't
talking, it will hurt to see her go for IP. I want to fly away to a land
of fantasy free of problems. It hurt when you said thank-you, it hurts
having to look at you and it hurts to simply be near you.

My heart hurts. It will hurt. The scars on my heart will not disappear.
It will never disappear.

"Friendship is delicate as a glass, once broken it can be fixed but there
will always be cracks"

It may be too late, but for you I'll wait.

Teardrops down my cheeks,
waiting for you.

Thursday, August 10, 2006
10th August 2006 9:52 PM

Singapore Idol Gossip Columnist is here for duty!

My text is blue today to commemorate the loss of
Rahimah from the recent Singapore Idol. The song
does matter. Her loss was due to song choice. I liked
the song Rahimah. You deserve to have gone on to
the next round, Rahimah.
Maybe it's just me, and I'm sure many people are going
to kill me for this. (They probably had enough of the Maia
and Sly scandal) But do any of you notice the signs I see?
Rahimah and Paul, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First
comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Rahimah,
pushing a baby carriage!!! Don't kill me! I just think they
look cute together!!!

Onto a note that is more like reality, East Coast was fun!
I rode a two-seater bike! (When I can barely ride one!)
And I managed to ride it! Yay for me! But then, alas
certain areas of East Coast gave me a melancholic feeling,
and no, melancholy is not alcohol! Well, making the diet
brownie/cookie/cake was fun, especially the sifting, it took
ages! But the end result was a crunchy exterior, but perfect
interior. Mmm... I can feel my mouth watering.

Well today, I feel good, and as usual I'm gonna give a rant
about her. I can't face her tomorrow. Here's the tactic, avoid
talking unnecessarily. It's gonna be hard. It hurts so bad, like
I just lost half my heart and soul. It's gonna be hard.

And life goes on...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006
9th August 2006 9:42 PM

Whoopee doo! I'm sad! Boohoo! Going to East Coast tomorrow.
The East Coast will forever bring bad memories until this matter
is resolved. Until then, I will ban myself from listening to All Star,
Over the Rainbow and that song by Fall-out Boy. It sucks to not
be in the National Day mood. When will it end? Why? Why you?
Why now? Why?

Well as you can see, I not too happy.( Boohoo woo hoo) I want
it to end. I want my friend back, I want her back. Tomorrow I'm
making the diet brownie. Oh sweet chocolatey wonder. Bah
hambug! You may not know this but when I'm upset, I lose my

I'll drown my sorrows in AFI-Decemberunderground. Just hope
that it will all end soon. I've got so much to tell, so much to say,
and I hope you'll listen before it's too late. Don't make me sad,
don't make me cry, don't break my heart. I'm delicate emotionally
so don't break me, just stay by me, tell me your secrets and i'll
tell you mine, we'll run from this reality that both yours and mine,
we'll be together, forever and ever, until all the stars burn out.

L.O.V.E & P.E.A.C.E.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006
8th August 2006 8:48 PM

Happy National Day, Singapore!
Oh my gosh, National Day rocked! Especially Mass Dance! ha HaHa
HAHAHAHA!!! Does that sound familiar my lovelies? Yes, it's mass
dance fever. Last night I finished making all those little flimsy paper
cards for everybody. Argh! I could have done better for some other
people's cards, but my hand was aching and it was already 1am++
x.x Tired...

Well everybody, welcome to my blog. Granted, my life may not be
very interesting (I'll keep on talking about certain things, but oh well)
but i hope my life interests you. Ack! Don't worry people of 2/s, i will
always love you all, not forgetting some sec 2a people and others etc.

Well onto a more serious note (so shoot me, i'm gonna make this a long
post, i'm feeling free), today i saw andrew today. For the lucky few
who actually know who andrew is, you're probably saying this now
"Don't you like see her everyday?" Well guys and gals, yep, you've
guessed it, andrew is a GIRL. andrew, if you're reading this, i hope
you'll understand how i'm feeling. Andrew, I don't know what happened
between us, but i hope that you'll understand that i'm hurt by what you've
done or have not done. It's upsetting to see you smiling and knowing
that i'm not the one causing it, it hurts when we refuse to talk to each
other. You were close to me, closer than anyone I've ever known. So
why? why?

Now onto a more national dayie mood. (Don't scold me lisa, I know
it's not a real word) Community singing was fun, but I really didn't feel
it today. I was singing, cuz some of the lyrics actually matched how I
felt about a particular someone. Especially this line "This is where I
won't be alone, for this is where I know it's home." That really got to
me. After that, Sameerah, Cheryl and I spent $20++ at T*3 Cube.
By the way, T*3 cube has the best drinks ever! Your money is
definitely worth it. Free advertising! Then Sampura, Cheryl and I
crapped until it got too hazy. Dinner was nice. Haiz, all my national
day energy went down the drain because i lost the mood. Aww so sad!
Naughty All Star song. Don't like you :(

Well, here's to loving you tonight!
Ciao, rachel

My Boyfriend is Music

all about moi
29 September

Toilet Bowl

hui chun
wai leng
xin ya
yi min

keep them in clouds if you want.